20800 Swenson Drive,

Suite 100 Waukesha, WI 53186

(262) 771-0440

General Inquiries

(903) 884-6090

REL Solutions Center

Long before he became the face of safety and reliability at Rolling Equity Leasing, Earl was just your average platypus living in the marshlands of southern Waukesha County, Wisconsin. But Earl was never content with being average. From a young age, he had a keen eye for organization, logistics, and—oddly enough—traffic cones.

His transformation from curious critter to safety icon began the day he wandered near a highway work zone. While other animals might run the other way, Earl was fascinated by the machinery, flashing lights, and precise choreography of it all. He even fashioned his own little hard hat out of a turtle shell (don’t worry—the turtle had moved out).

Eventually, Earl found his way to the bustling world of commercial trucking. He admired the big rigs, but what really caught his attention was how important safety and proper maintenance were in keeping everything running smoothly. That’s when he knew he had a calling.

Earl made it his mission to promote safety, reliability, and accountability in the world of trucking. He studied manuals, learned the ins and outs of DOT compliance, and became a self-taught expert in pre-trip inspections. Legend has it he can spot a worn brake chamber from 50 yards away.

Now, as the official mascot of Rolling Equity Leasing, Earl brings his signature blend of wisdom, wit, and waterproof charm to the team. Whether he’s reminding drivers to complete their DVIRs or making sure every lease meets REL’s high standards, Earl is always on the job—tail wagging, bill polished, and safety vest snugly fastened. 

Have a safety question? Ask Earl! 
